
Wicked Apple Concepts articles

Being a parent certainly proved to be one of the most difficult yet rewarding tasks I have ever undertaken. It is amazing to watch your children grow and develop, and you hope that all your lessons will stick with them for life.

I remember a scene from Disney’s movie “Finding Nemo”, in which a father turtle was allowing his son to take on some turbulent water by himself, saying something along the lines of “Let’s see what the little dude can do on his own”. This really resonates with me when it comes to my own kids; letting them explore what they are capable of by themselves is
tricky but so important. That sentiment was especially true when my oldest son was recruited to a boarding school thousands of miles away- he did incredible without me there, learning and thriving.

To ensure that my children would go on to be successful and independent adults, I taught them a few key mottos: always strive for what you want, don’t worry about what others think, take risks to follow your dreams.
They embodied these ideals at such a young age- something I was so proud of- and still continue to do so now.

My kids gave me just as much in return, teaching me valuable lessons in life; how to laugh harder, love stronger and enjoy the journey instead of focusing on the destination. Most recently this lesson came from making me jump off a 14 foot ledge into the lake! It took some persuading but eventually I faced my fear and did it- just like they have done with various other aspects of their own lives.

I’m still learning so much from my kids, things I never would’ve known otherwise; that often the teacher becomes the student. It’s been an incredible journey and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

I know that no matter what life throws their way, they will continue to be strong and take on every new challenge with courage and determination. They have taught me that anything is possible if you set your sights to it. I am so proud of who they are today and who they will become tomorrow.